Copping Supreme with Haskell
Recently, a friend asked me to write a program that buys things off of a the shopping site of Supreme website as soon as anything is added. Supreme is a fashion brand that curbs supply to create artificial scarcity, resulting in higher consumer surplus and resell profit margin. So yes, the deadweight loss suffered in the primary market (webstore) is actually paying to incentivize the resellers and increase virality of the brand.
This Haskell script does the following:
GET website url.
Diff page to determine any changes.
If changes are found and within range specified in options, place an order for 100 items.
Wait x seconds
First, the types:
type PageHash = String
type PageURL = String
type PageSource = BSL.ByteString
data Task = Task { pageSource :: PageSource
, pageHash :: PageHash
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data TagType = Open
| Close
| TextRegex
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Opt = BlackList TagType PageSource
| WhiteList TagType PageSource
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type Opts = [Opt]
data URL = URL {
url :: PageURL,
opts :: Opts
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type TaskMap = Map.Map URL Task
The idea is to iterate through a list of URL
s, each with pageSource
and pageHash
, and then put each URL-Task pair into a Map. In the main loop, compare the old Map to the new Map. If the difference is on WhiteList
and not on BlackList
or fits TextRegex
, then send a notification and place an order for 100 items. The last part may or may not be implemented.
The implementation is straightforward:
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Main where
import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef, )
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay, )
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
data GlobalState = GlobalState { tasks :: IORef (Map.Map URL Task) }
initialize :: IO GlobalState
initialize = do
titles <- getPages testURLs
tasksRef <- newIORef titles
return GlobalState { tasks = tasksRef }
startTimer :: GlobalState -> IO ()
startTimer (tasks -> ref) = do
threadId <- forkIO loop
return ()
loop = do
threadDelay $ seconds 1
oldPages <- readIORef ref
newPages <- updatePages oldPages
atomicWriteIORef ref newPages
print $ getDiffs oldPages newPages
seconds :: Num a => a -> a
seconds = (*) 1000000
updatePages :: TaskMap -> IO TaskMap
updatePages = getPages . Map.keys
getPages :: [URL] -> IO TaskMap
getPages urls = do
tasks <- mapM urlToTask urls
return $ Map.fromList $ zip urls tasks
testURLs :: [URL]
testURLs = [
URL { url = ""
, opts = [
BlackList Open "meta"
main :: IO ()
main = do
st <- initialize
startTimer st
Although functional programming discourages mutable states, sometimes mutable variables are needed. First, getPages
and initialize the task map, and store it in memory using IORef
which operates inside IO
monad to stay perfectly functional. Then in the future, update the reference to the new map.
feature flag allows pattern matching on records fields for easy access of data inside (in this case IORef
Now there are 2 holes yet to be implemented.
Does what it says,
in, send requests and hash page source,Task
out. -
Checks diffs.
import qualified Network.Wreq as Wreq
import Control.Lens
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Crypto.Hash as H
import qualified Data.Algorithm.Diff
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Text.HTML.TagSoup as TS
fetchPage :: String -> IO (Maybe PageSource)
fetchPage url = do
r <- Wreq.get url
return $ r ^? Wreq.responseBody
hexSha3_512 :: BS.ByteString -> PageHash
hexSha3_512 bs = show (H.hash bs :: H.Digest H.SHA1)
pageToHash :: BSL.ByteString -> PageHash
pageToHash page = do
let strictBS = BSL.toStrict page
hexSha3_512 strictBS
urlToTask :: URL -> IO Task
urlToTask URL {url=url, opts=opts}= do
pageSource <- fetchPage url
case pageSource of
Just source -> return Task { pageSource = source
, pageHash = pageToHash source
, pageOpts = opts
Nothing to see here. Wreq is the HTTP library whose results can be accessed using Lens. Hash responseBody
for later use and store source, hash, and opts in Task
Here is the implementation for the getDiff
method(in a separate module).
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Diff where
import Lib
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Algorithm.Diff as D
import qualified Data.Algorithm.DiffOutput as D
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Text.HTML.TagSoup as TS
import Debug.Trace
import Text.Regex.PCRE
getDiffs :: TaskMap -> TaskMap -> Map.Map URL (Maybe Bool)
getDiffs olds news = Map.mapWithKey diff olds
diff key oldTask = do
newTask <- Map.lookup key news
let hash = pageHash oldTask
let hash' = pageHash newTask
let diffs = D.getDiff (parsedSource oldTask) (parsedSource newTask)
let options = opts key
let filteredDiffs = filtered options diffs
let changed = (hash /= hash') && (not.null $ filteredDiffs)
if changed
then traceM $ ppDiff filteredDiffs
else traceM "Nothing changed"
return changed
parsedSource :: Task -> [TS.Tag PageSource]
parsedSource = TS.parseTags . pageSource
ppDiff :: [D.Diff (TS.Tag PageSource)] -> String
ppDiff = unlines . ppDiffPairs
ppDiffPairs :: [D.Diff (TS.Tag PageSource)] -> [String]
ppDiffPairs diffs = zipWith
(\(D.First first) (D.Second second) ->
++ show first
++ "\n======\n"
++ show second
++ "\n>>>>>>\n"
(onlyFirsts diffs) (onlySeconds diffs)
onlySeconds :: [D.Diff t] -> [D.Diff t]
onlySeconds = filter (\diff ->
case diff of
D.Second _ -> True
_ -> False)
onlyFirsts :: [D.Diff t] -> [D.Diff t]
onlyFirsts = filter (\diff ->
case diff of
D.First _ -> True
_ -> False)
filtered :: Opts -> [D.Diff (TS.Tag PageSource)] -> [D.Diff (TS.Tag PageSource)]
filtered options diffs = filter(\diff -> all (\option -> ok option diff) options ) diffs
where ok option diff = case diff of D.Both _ _ -> False
_ -> case option of BlackList Open name -> not $ TS.isTagOpenName name d
BlackList Close name -> not $ TS.isTagCloseName name d
BlackList TextRegex regex -> TS.isTagText d && (TS.fromTagText d =~ regex)
WhiteList Open name -> name == "*" || TS.isTagOpenName name d
_ -> undefined
where d = fromDiff diff
fromDiff :: D.Diff (TS.Tag PageSource) -> TS.Tag PageSource
fromDiff (D.First a) = a
fromDiff (D.Second a) = a
Most of the logic is in getDiffs
: first compare the new hash with the old hash. If pageSource
changed, then find the difference of the pages at the level of HTML tags. To do this, TagSoup
is used to parse pageSource
into a list of Tag
s. Since Tag
implements Eq
typeclass, it is supported by the diff algorithm. This is where the typeclass system really becomes useful.
Now that the diffs are calculated, just need to filter out the ones that we said we wanted in options. Since options are implemented on the type level as opposed to data level, pattern matching against types is necessary. Options
is a product type which is pleasant to pattern match against.
Using Haskell, we can monitor pages in a modular and type safe manner.
After reading about Supreme drops online, I realized the website only changes on Thursdays so I won’t know what urls to watch.
Later, I lost interest in fashion and this project is abandoned.